Top 5 Things I Am Going to Focus on in 2018

Aleksandar Ginovski
4 min readJan 14, 2018


I haven’t written in a while, no matter that I said to myself “I want to start a blog and write at least every month”. That was because I didn’t have clear priorities for 2017 and it was like doing random stuff in all aspects of my life when there was a motivation and after that the motivation suddenly disappeared and I moved to a different thing. The same happened with the blog. So this year I agreed to myself that I am focusing mainly on a specific aspect of my life and I will be working to achieve the goals related to it.

At the beginning of 2017 I wrote down my new year resolutions for the first time. I was so motivated doing all that stuff I have thought about so I added everything in a Trello board to keep track of my progress. The first few months everything looked fine. After that when I looked at my board I wasn’t able to visualize myself at the end of the year after completing all these goals. For me they all looked like I am reading random goals that wouldn’t bring me anywhere. I don’t want to say that I haven’t grown for the past year, but it wasn’t clear for me how that growth happened.

So this year I hope I learned a lot from my mistakes, so I am going to focus mainly on my Personal Development and I am going to test many new things related to it. They might work or might not, but I will always know what my goals are and what I want to reach. So here are my top 5 things I want to focus this year:

1. Plan my life using the 666 roadmap

I don’t know how many of you have heard of the 666 framework. It is an approach created by Intercom in which you are thinking about your product roadmap in three timelines: the next 6 years, next 6 months, and next 6 weeks. When we first introduced that in Enhancv I felt that I really didn’t get the idea of using it. Why didn’t we plan for the next month rather than month and a half? But when we started actually doing stuff I found it really useful, because in 4 weeks you couldn’t do so much and on the other hand 8 weeks (2 months) was so big period for planning in details and 6 weeks was just perfect. In my opinion you can think of your life as your business. If you don’t plan stuff you are going to stay on the place where you started or mess all the things up. That’s why I am going to try planning my life using this framework in 2018. So look forward for updates and learnings :)

2. Work for building a great morning routine

As you know, most of the successful people in the world have built a great morning routine. Some of them wake up at 7am, some at 5am. But the time you wake up doesn’t matter if you lounge the whole morning. In 2017 one of my goals was to start waking up at 7am. I think I managed to almost achieve that, I wоke up almost every single morning at 7am. And what? If I stay in the bed till 11am or I am watching videos on YouTube or scrolling in Facebook, that actually didn’t help me a lot. So in 2018 I will define clearly what is going to be my morning routine from getting out of the bed till I go to work.

3. Start living healthy life

It’s fun for young people like me to go every night to a club, drink alcohol with friends and eat doners after that. But for your body is not so fun. I saw that not moving enough, drinking and eating all these shits actually helped me gain some unneeded kilos. That’s why I reduced the alcohol and the junk food. In 2018 my goal is to make fitness and sports part of my life and start thinking what I consume.

4. Travel more

I live in Bulgaria and we have lots of amazing places here, but I always haven’t time to go visit those places. Again, there is time, but there was no prioritization. Last year I wrote down some places I want to visit, but unfortunately I didn’t go almost anywhere. On the other hand I went to many different countries abroad and I am happy with that. This year I want to go to more places in Bulgaria, because I don’t have any excuses not to do it and such a quick trip is going to make me feel recharged.

5. Spend more time with friends and loved ones

Last year I didn’t have many great moments with the people I love. Because of the fact I was doing so many random things, I almost forget to have fun, to chill out with my friends, to talk more with my family and to love all the people in my life. I recognize this as a mistake and that’s why I am putting it as a top priority in this list.

These are my top 5 things I want to focus in 2018. I think I have a clear vision for my life for this year, but time is going to show. Sharing more with people is also part of my personal development, so follow me on Medium and on the social networks.

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Aleksandar Ginovski

Passionate about entrepreneurship and SaaS products. Travel lover and technology addict.